"Ndani amafunikira mfumukazi yanga yokalamba, yachibadwidwe?"

"Ndani amafunikira mfumukazi yanga yokalamba, yachibadwidwe?"

A story-reminiscence of the owner about a faithful four-legged friend whom she and her husband once transported from the village to the city.

This story is about 20 years old. Once, my children and grandchildren and I were visiting my husbandā€™s relatives in the village.

Dogs on a chain in a booth are quite common in the village. It would be surprising not to see such street guards at the houses of local residents.

As long as I can remember, my husbandā€™s brother never had less than two dogs. One always guards the chicken coop, the second is located at the entrance to the household. yard, the third ā€“ near the garage. True, Tuziki, Tobiki, Sharik change so often ā€¦

On that our visit, one dog was especially remembered: a small, fluffy, gray Zhulya.

Of course, there were no noble bloodlines in her, but the dog was not suitable for village life either. She was too scared and unhappy. Her booth was located on the very passage ā€“ from the infield part of the plot to the household. yard. More than once the dog was shoved in the side with a shoe. For no reasonā€¦ Just passing by.

And how Julie responded to affection! Everything froze, it seemed, even stopped breathing. I was amazed: the dog (and, according to the owners, she was then about 2 years old) did not know human touches. In addition to kicks, of course, when they pushed her away, they drove her into a booth.

I myself was born in the village. And in our yard dogs lived, cats roamed freely. But a kind word for animals, which for many years faithfully served the family, has always been found. I remember that both mom and dad, bringing food, talked to the dogs, stroked them. We had a Pirate dog. He loved being scratched behind his ear. He was offended when the owners forgot about this habit of his. He could hide in a booth and even refused to eat.

ā€œGrandma, letā€™s take Julietā€

When they were about to leave, the granddaughter took me aside and began to persuade: ā€œGrandma, look how good the dog is, and how bad it is here. Letā€™s take it! You and your grandfather will have more fun with her.ā€

That time we left without Julie. But the dog sunk into the soul. All the time I thought how she was, whether she was alive ā€¦

The granddaughter, who was with us then on summer holidays, did not let us forget about Zhula. Unable to bear the persuasion, we again went to the village. Zhulya, as if she knew that we had come for her. From an inconspicuous, ā€œdowntroddenā€ creature, she turned into a cheerful, restless bundle of happiness.

On the way home, I felt the warmth of her little trembling body. And so I felt sorry for her. To tears!

Transformation into a princess

At home, the first thing we did, of course, was feed the new family member, built her a place-house where she could hide (after all, in almost two years she got used to living in a booth).

When I bathed Julie, I just burst into tears. The dogā€™s coat ā€“ fluffy, voluminous ā€“ hid thinness. And Juliet was so thin that you could feel her ribs with your fingers and count every single one.

Julie has become our outlet

My husband and I got used to Zhula very quickly. She is smart, she was a wonderful dog: not arrogant, obedient, devoted.

My husband especially liked to mess with her. He taught Juliet commands. Although we live in a one-story house with a fenced area, Valery twice a day went out with his pet for long walks. He cut her hair, combed it. And spoiled ā€¦ He even allowed me to sleep on the couch next to him.

When her husband died, Zhulya was very homesick. But on that sofa, where she and the owner spent so much time together, sitting comfortably in front of the TV, she never jumped again. Even if she wasnā€™t allowed to do so.

Great friend and companion 

Julie understood me perfectly. I never thought dogs could be so smart. When the children were growing up, we had dogs ā€“ both Red, and Tuzik, and the snow-white beauty Squirrel. But with no other dog I had such mutual understanding as with Zhulya.

Juliet was very attached to me. In the country, for example, when I went to a neighbor, the dog could come to me in the footsteps. She sat and waited at the door. If I was gone for a long time, she took my shoes to her bedding on the veranda, lay down on it and felt sad.

There were people whom Zhulya did not like terribly. As they say, I could not stand the spirit. The always calm and peaceful dog used to bark and rush so much that uninvited guests and the threshold of the house could not cross. Once I even bit one neighbor in the country.

I was alarmed by such behavior of the dog, made me think: whether certain people come with good thoughts and intentions.

Jules recognized and loved all of her own. Never bitten, never grinned at any of the grandchildren, and then great-grandchildren. My youngest son lives with his family in the suburbs. When I arrived in Minsk and met the dog for the first time, she didnā€™t even bark at him. I felt mine.

And her voice was clear and loud. Well informed about the arrival of strangers.

When meeting with the first owner, Zhulya pretended not to recognize him   

The husbandā€™s 70th birthday was celebrated at the dacha. All his brothers, sisters, nephews came together. Among the guests was Ivan, from whom we took Zhulya.

Of course, the dog immediately recognized him. But no matter how Ivan called Juliet, no matter what sweets he lured, the dog pretended not to notice him. So she never approached him. And defiantly sat at the feet of her best friend, a caring and loving owner ā€“ the hero of the day. Perhaps that was how she felt most secure.

Iā€™m glad I had her

Caring for the village princess was easy. She was not whimsical. Years of city life hadnā€™t spoiled her. It seems that the dog always remembered where it was taken from, what life it was saved from. And she was grateful for it.

Julia gave us many pleasant moments.

Grooming a dog was hard for me. Of course, I saw her fade away. It seemed that she understood that the time had come (Juliet lived with us for more than 10 years), but still she hoped: she would still live. But on the other hand, I was worried: who will need my aging, outbred, village princess, if something happens to me ā€¦

All photos: from the personal archive of Evgenia Nemogay.Ngati muli ndi nkhani za moyo ndi ziweto, kutumiza iwo kwa ife ndikukhala wothandizira WikiPet!

Siyani Mumakonda